Weather positivity

In the past few days, two very dear California friends dissed my local weather (yet again) with that sly tone that, whether applied to someone else’s choice of snackfood or politics, indicates both judgment of the other’s brain and alignment of the speaker with The Side of Right. Oy! It’s weather, people! And I happen to like it! And

Negotiating different environmental conditions is exhilerating: change and adapting to change keeps me (and I wager a bunch of others with my leanings) alert and engaged in the here and now.

Mild complaints about a too high afternoon temperature or a too deep snow drift are transcient, the way one might complain that the post is late today or the store’s banana sale was last week.

Seasonal changes mean a variety of natural emergences: colors and color contrasts among plants and birds; sound variations as wind passes through full and bare trees; the aromas of crab apples and the scents of lilac, each exquisite, in part, because they are transcient.

I love my friends. I even enjoy visiting the Eternal Spring of the Bay Area, in part, because of that Eternal Spring aspect. However, weather isn’t an incidental to my enjoyment of life’s variety. I like the bounty of seasonal changes, the natural dramas of atmospheric events we haven’t (yet?) controlled, the invitation to discover new light patterns and walking conditions. I’m not in need of placation because I enjoy this stuff. I am weather positive.

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